Disney Princess
Disney Princess is a Walt Disney Company franchise, based on fictional characters who have been featured as part of the Disney character line-up. The main eight are: Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, and Pocahontas. Disney recently announced that new Princesses would be added: Princess Tiana, from their 2009 animated feature The Princess and the Frog, will join the ranks of Disney Princesses and also Rapunzel from the computer animated film. The franchise has released dolls, Disney Princess Bikes, and a variety of other children’s products, apparel, and even band-aids featuring the Disney Princesses.
The princesses to be featured in the line were chosen from classic Disney films. The characters were not chosen specifically for their royal titles, but rather for how well they fit into what Disney executives deemed “the Princess mythology.” Mulan is an example of this concept; she has no familial ties to royalty, but is still included in the character list. Tinker Bell was once included under the same principle before it was decided she was not suited for the “mythology.” She now stars in her own Disney franchise, the Disney Fairies.
Andila stock a range of Disney Princess Bikes, Disney Princess Scooters, Disney Princess Skates and Disney Princess Bicycle Accessories.
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