Thursday, July 26, 2012

Things to Do This Summer

People take advantage of the warmer temperatures by spending more time outdoors during the summer. Activities such as traveling to the beach and picnics occur during summer months. Sports such as cricket, volleyball, skateboarding, baseball, softball, tennis and water polo are played. Water sports also occur. These include water skiing, wake boarding, and tubing. Water skiing is a uniquely summer sport, which is done when waters approach their warmest of the year.
If you’re wondering what to do this summer there are many activities planned across the district. The following list of activities will help your family take full advantage of summer and help spark your creativity to make the summer all that it should be.
  • Have a picnic
  • Visit another country
  • Make dinner for your family
  • Write a poem
  • Take a boat ride
  • Take a walk and record the sounds
  • Go backpacking
  • Create a web site
  • Go camping
  • Visit the zoo
  • Have a family game night
  • Go to a museum
  • Visit a tourist spot near your home
  • Donate some of the toys and clothes you no longer use
  • Fly a kite
  • Make a bird feeder
  • Organize a bike safety clinic
  • Spend time with your grandparents
  • Take a dog for a walk
  • Learn some new outdoor games
  • Go swimming
  • Start a collection
  • Watch the birds
Celebrate the summer with our following list of  activities!  Whether you want to get out into the garden and learn about mini beasts or growing things, or stay in.
‘’A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.’’


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