The organisers of the British Mountain Bike Series have announced a further 5 brands who will be exhibiting and demoing at this years series. With Trek, Specialized and Giant already on board we can now confirm Santa Cruz, Genesis, Gary Fisher, Merida and Yeti will be joining them at all 6 events beginning with the demo only event at Glentress on March 6. In addition to the bike brands each event will also feature the chance to sample the full range of Accelerade nutrition and the new range of hydraulics backpacks from Osprey.
The Series now consists of 6 demo events, 5 rounds of the British XC series and 3 challenge events, so race, ride, watch or demo or all of those.
James Olsen from Genesis was keen to jump on board
”Genesis is pleased to announce that we’ve signed up for the demo events at each round of the 2010 British MTB Race series. It’s the ideal place for us to give you a chance to ride a 2010 Genesis bike, or just come over and say hi if you’re there. The main attraction of this series as a demo event was that the organisers have pulled together the UK XC race scene by hosting XC and Enduro events in the same weekend. We think this will mean more appeal to spectators and riders and hopefully it’ll be a return to the race weekend atmosphere of the early days – we’re looking forward to it.”
Santa Cruz
“Santa Cruz is very excited at being involved in such a high profile demo series which will enable more people than ever before the chance to ride some of the best bikes at the best venues across the country. Demo-ing bikes is a crucial part of what we do, and combined with the British XC race series, this not only offers more riders the chance to try before they buy – it also gives them the whole weekend package of riding, racing and spectating.”
Dickon Hepworth
MD Jungle Products / Santa Cruz UK
Demo only
Mar 6 Glentress
Race, Ride and Demo weekends…
Round 1 – Mar 27/28 Sherwood Pines, + night demo saturday
Round 2 – May 8/9 Wasing Park (note venue change)
Round 3 – May 29/30 Margam Park, + Big Welsh Weekend enduro
Round 4 – July 3/4 Dalby Forest, + Great Yorkshire enduro
Round 5 – Sep 25/26 Newnham Park, + Newnham 60 enduro