Sunday, April 25, 2010

Health Tips - 10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Losing weight is known to be difficult to do, but it can actually be quite simple if you break the process down into smaller segments. This type of gradual push in the right direction will become lifestyle changes you can live with instead of a diet you give up after a few weeks.
Health and Beauty Tips - 10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight
1. Preparation
The Mayo Clinic advises people to make sure they are ready for weight loss before they take the big step into the actual process. Make sure you really want to change and that you have rid yourself of distractions, such as goodies in the cupboard and friends that goad you into eating fattening foods. This preparation will make your weight loss easier.
2. Choose a Start Date
Make a date for fitness, and choose the day when you will start your weight loss. Mark the date down on your calendar. Tell friends. Dedicate the day as the first day of the rest of your healthy life. This will make your commitment real and more likely to succeed.
3. Set Goals
Goals help motivate you and boost your self-esteem when you reach them, making you want to keep going. Write down a small, manageable goal that you can achieve quickly to start. For example, "I will lose 3 lbs. this month." It may not sound like much, but think of your small goals as stepping stones.
4. Chart Your Progress
Keeping track of your progress is another way to motivate yourself. Try hanging a piece of paper on the wall and for every pound you lose, add an "X" to the paper. As the paper fills with Xs, you'll feel more empowered to go on.
5. Eat Breakfast
You may think you are saving calories by not eating breakfast, but skipping breakfast may be the most fattening thing you do all day. According to Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., of the Mayo Clinic, eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day and gives you enough energy to be active throughout the day.
6. Count Calories
This tip is an old one, but it is still worthwhile. Make sure to keep track of how many calories you consume during the day. Being accountable for what you eat can make you eat less.
7. Cut Back
One pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. If you cut about 500 calories from your daily intake, you will lose 1 lb. a week, a healthy goal. Trim your calories by cutting out dessert, a high-calorie snack or by not going back for seconds.
8. Burn It Off
To boost your weight loss, aim to burn an extra 500 calories a day, or that magic 3,500 calories a week, through exercise. Riding a bicycle helps a lot.
9. Eat More Fiber
Fiber-filled foods are lower in calories and fills you up so that you do not eat as many calories. It also keeps you fuller, longer.
10. Drink More Water
Water can fill you up when you want to munch on something you shouldn't. Water is also essential for burning calories. Try to aim for eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day.

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